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Wednesday 15 September 2010

Online Services --> Entertainment


Entertainment is any other activity that provides amusement for anyone in their leisure time.  Entertainment usually consists of watching movies, doing sports or other hobbies that people are interested in.


'YouTube' is an online web page, which allows people to watch short clips of shows; information clips and clips added by friends and/or family.  It is free and legal; except if there are clips that should only be watched by people of a certain age, 'YouTube' does not allow anyone who does not have an account watch it; or they will make them add an account and only if they are the age that the clip is allowed for they aren't allowed to watch it (this is because at the beginning of the sign up page, You Tube asks for your date of birth).

'YouTube' allows you to upload videos, it will take a while because videos hold a large capacity and need more time to upload, but it is otherwise very easy to do. This is how you do it . . .

'YouTube' is very useful and well worth getting an account for.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Free --> accessing 'YouTube' is free and easy.
  • Global Audience --> you can upload videos that everyone all over the world can see and you can become noticed on 'YouTube' from it.
  • Customising --> people may design blogs and add things to blogs that reflect who they are; what they do and what they like.
  • Reflection --> one may reflect who one is from what they put on their page.  It also allows people to broadcast their multimedia skills; if they have any and enjoy making small movies etc.
  • Time-wasting --> another benefit is the streaming of the videos.  Other sites make you wait for the Internet to load the video from beginning to end, whereas 'YouTube' allows you to watch it right from the start and not have to wait until it has finished streaming the entire clip.
  • Embedding --> 'YouTube' is also extremely easy to embed from.  On some other sites, embedding a video is rather a long and tedious work; but with 'YouTube' it takes no longer than 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Fame --> although people may be quite sceptical about it, becoming famous via 'YouTube' is definitely a prospect.  Although at the beginning it may seem quite ridiculous, once you get across the first hurdle, anything can happen.
  • Fame --> for those trying to become famous via 'YouTube', the only disadvantage is that there are probably hundreds of millions of other people trying to do the exact same thing.
  •  Quality --> compared to other video sites (eg. Revver) the quality of the videos isn't generally as could as it could be.
  • Money --> unfortunately, compared to other video sites (eg. Revver) you can not make any money from the videos you put on.

CHANNELCHOOSER! is a site that allows people to watch many videos and shows etc. under different categories; and here are some of the categories that are on CHANNELCHOOSER! :
- Adult
- Movies
- Popular
- Entertainment
- World
- Sports and more . . .

Games are usually played on game consoles, such as:
- Wii
- XBox
- Playstation 1 and 2 etc.

But online gaming and watching is very easy to do. One of the most types of online gaming is Poker. It is very easy to do, but highly addictive. As many are aware gambling is very bad, especially for those who become addicted and begin to gamble money that is not rightfully there's. However it is incredibly easy to get into and hear is a clip shoeing just how easy:

  1. Easy --> quick, easy and accessible from anywhere and everywhere.
  2. Comfort --> don't have to leave the comfort of your home to play poker.
  1. Details --> when you put your bank details in, if someone hacks into your account, they will have access to your accounts form this information.

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