Explore . . .

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Microblogs have the same characteristics as a traditional blog, however there is a difference and the difference is that microblogs are considerably smaller than blogs. Microblogs are also similar to multimedia blogs. Multimedia blogs are blogs that can have pictures and video's embedded into the blog; therefore microblogs can be classed as multimedia blogs!

However when it comes to what you can write, blogs have a much bigger capacity, whereas microblogs allow only about 140 characters; which would only allow for brief statements or comments. This would probably be preferred because you can now access microblogs on you mobile-phones, iPod's and other electronic appliances, which only allow for 140 characters; this allows you to blog on the move!

Twitter and tumblr are very good and popular microblogs and they both use 140 characters; just like the electronic appliances. Having brief comments makes blogging that big more interesting because it is very brief. Someone who reads the comments can read them quickly and if they feel they are very interesting they can copy, paste and send them to other friends; they will be able to do this because of the small amount of characters it can hold!

This is very good for business', because they may want people to become aware of them and they can do this by posting comments on microblogs which can then be sent around the globe quickly and efficiently; this allows for business' to become known very quickly and over a very wide surface area.




This is where on can begin a Twitter account. It is simple to do and these are the stages.

You select 'Sign Up' and you will get redirected to another page . . .

This is where you will then type in you name, user name, password and e-mail address. This will the allow Twitter to send your e-mail account a message in order to confirm that it is indeed an e-mail address and then you can have complete access to everything on Twitter. Then you must agree to the 'Terms and Conditions' and create you Twitter account.

For security reasons the site will then ask you to type in a few words and then continue, if you get it wrong however they will continue to ask you what different words are.

From here there are 3 easy steps that you need to take in order to begin your Twitter; this is Step 1!  This is where they will make you browse interests, this will then match you with people with the same interests and you can follow them.

This is then Step 2. This will allow you to find any friends who are currently on Twitter. The system will scan your e-mail address book and then try and find these e-mail addresses on Twitter, rather than you having to find them on your own.

This is Step 3, this allows you to search for anyone who was missed or couldn't be found by scanning your e-mail address book. You search for these people by user name, last name and/or business name.

Now you have finished with the 3 steps and you can now begin to Twitter. Every time you are on Twitter you type something under the 'What's Happening' sign. This allows anyone who visits your page to see what it is you were doing the last time you posted a comment.


still needs finishing

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