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Tuesday 7 September 2010

How are blogs different to normal web pages???

Blogs are very different to a normal webpage because they allow for back-and-forth responses on the web. This means one can interact with someone else who is, or may want to, find out about something that interests them. Blogs also allow you to comment on other people's findings and opinions and you don't have to have an extensive knowledge of English, just be able to use a computer and express your opinions.

A man named 'Steve Tennent' was asked the same question and this is what he said:

- A blog is a way to publish to the Internet frequently, without technical skills. If you can send an email, you can blog. Most websites require technical skills.

- A blog is updated frequently, with chronologically-ordered, dated posts. A website is frequently static information, and the order and sequence depends on the purpose of the site.

- A blog is written in a personal voice - like if you were having a conversation with me over coffee. I didn't slave over this text, and sure, it could have been buffed and polished better.

- A blog allows the audience to interact - so they can post comments to your individual posts, and link from their blog to your posts. This allows a conversation to occur between the writer and the audience.

- As a publisher, your content is distributed much more broadly than on a website. A blog decouples the "content" from the "presentation". If I did an HTML page, the content and presentation would be coded all together.

- You tend to get better search engine results with a blog. In fact, some people joke that "Blog" stands for "Better Listings on Google".

- You can keep up with hundreds of blogs much more efficiently than hundreds of websites. Because of the RSS feature, you can monitor many blogs by syndicating them, and automatically receive updates whenever their website changes on your PC.

- You become part what's happening right now.

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