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Tuesday 7 September 2010

About Blogs . . .

Why do people use blogs?
People use blogs because they are a more intimate, casual and are easier to take care of than a web page. Web pages need maintenance and one must have a wide knowledge of how a computer system works, whereas on a blog all you need to know is what you think and type it down.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a blog?

Before starting a blog one must first think of the advantages and disadvantages and come to a decision as to whether creating the blog is worth it.  Here are some advantages and disadvantages that come to mind:

  • They are easy to create
  • Are an easy way to share information
  • Blogs can be a positive way to get feedback and opinons on how to make the blog better - or something else that was mentioned on the blog
  • They are search engine friendly, easy to find and write on
  • Most people don't have anything interesting to say, or any feedback to give
  • Although it is easier to use, it is harder to maintain because one may become frustrated of adding a new blog coherently every day - meaning that many blogs are not regularly updated
As you can see the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages; therefore making blogging a useful, trustworthy and effective means of communication.

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