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Thursday 7 October 2010

Life in the Information Age - Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

What is an Employment Opportunity??
An Employment Opportunity is an opportunity to get employed. It may sound simple and easy, but finding an Employment Opportunity is not the easiest thing to do.

How do Employment Opportunities (via ICT) affect society??

This is an example CV.
It is very clear and easy to read, which
makes it very easy to understand.

Employment Opportunities affect society because people who are umemployed are able to find employment a lot easier than they once were. At the beginning people had to go from shop to shop enquiring if there was ever any jobs available and if there wasn't at that time they would have to keep going, whereas now you are able to go into a shop; give them your CV (which has been typed up and printed several times); give them your e-mail address and phone number so that they are able to get a hold of you quickly and efficiently to inform you of whether you have got the job or not. Also because of the innovation of the World Wide Web, people are now able to search for jobs on the internet and contact people quite eaiser.

How does ICT assist in Employment Opportunities??
ICT assists in Employment opportunities because it allows you to research all kinds of jobs, including:
  • Part-Time Jobs
  • Full-Time Jobs
  • Summer Jobs
  • Saturday Jobs
This is 'monster.com'.
A site that allows you to seach for 1000s
of jobs all over the world, or just in your
You are also able to contact the employer using your e-mail address and mobile number. This allows them to contact you very quickly, informing you whether you have or have not got the job. ICT has allowed this process to become so much easier because of the development of wireless internet, the employer is able to read all the CVs on the go and give their chosen employee the good news very quickly.

The main way that ICT has allowed Employment Opportunities to become so much eaiser to find is because of job surfing on the internet, which has become INCREDIBLY easy to do.

  1. Work --> you can get work all over the world and you will learn skills you never had before.
  2. Opportunities --> from working with a big enough company you many more opportunities will become available to you.
  3. Skill --> a chance to develop skills; learn new skills and adopt a creativeness you (may) never (have) had before.
  4. Training --> you are given training in that particular field and are able to develop more from the training given. It won't cost you a penny, so you will be givn free training in every job you get and it won't put a dent in your funds.
  1. Education --> You may not have the qualifications or knowledge and because of this the opportunity will pass you buy because the business may deem you unworthy of working in their company.
  2. Disability --> although it is against the law, some people will not hire someone with a disability; because they feel they will be unable to cope, even though they could be perfectly capable of working.
  3. First-Come, First- Serve --> because it is so easy to get hold of someone who is hiring, the employer may have to cut off many people from the opportunity becaase it is just too many people and not enough spaces.
Overall ICT assists in providing Employment Opportunities very well, because of the easy access anyone cab get to an available job anywhere in the world.

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